Thursday, February 3, 2011

Potty Training - January 31, 2011

Lilly really didn't have many issues with potty training. She learned really fast, didn't have too many accidents, and is really good about letting us know when she needs to go. She will announce, "Mommy, I need to go potty," and then we run to the bathroom together. She is learning about germs right now and thinks that if she doesn't touch the toilet while she goes that she won't have to wash her hands...I still make her wash. When Daddy takes her to the bathroom, the have their own special "game" that they play, called "I was wondering." Daddy asks her things to help her think, and a few weeks ago, Lilly said to Daddy, "I was wondering, if I had 2 strawberries, 2 blueberries and 2 mandarin oranges, which would be the mostest?" Matt said, "Mandarin oranges" and Lilly said, "Yes, that's correct." The other day, I was lucky enough to catch the hilarious look she has on her face when she goes "poops." Sorry Lilly, but I HAD to get this look on film!

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