Sunday, June 19, 2011


It is Sunday afternoon and I am sitting at the kitchen table having some lunch. Grayson is in his high chair next to me, squealing with excitement while eating his lunch too. Lilly is upstairs taking a nap and Matt is at a Baptism that was at the Stake Center right after church today. I am having a nutritious lunch. Avocado, Cottage Cheese, MultiSeed crackers, and fresh raspberries! Yum! Raspberries have always reminded me of being at Grandma & Grandpa Perkins' house. In their back yard they had a great garden and my favorite thing to pick with Grandma were the delicious, juicy raspberries. They were always so perfect! I have such good memories of my Grandma & Grandpa Perkins. While they died when I was only around 9 years old, I still remember how much they loved me. I remember having sleep overs at their house and sleeping in a "big bed" all by myself, which was such a treat since I always shared a bed with my sister Makelle.....only until I was like 13! haha! Their front yard seemed huge, and I remember many times playing "Simon Says" and "Red Light, Green Light" out there with my sisters. I remember playing with the toys and dress up clothes that Grandma always had stored in a closet in the hallway. My favorite item to try on were the fancy red high heeled shoes....I guess I can blame Grandma Perkins for my shoe obsession! Today is Father's Day, and while I am thinking about my own father and how wonderful he is, my husband and how he is such an amazing dad to Lilly & Grayson, I am also thinking of Grandpa Perkins and what a good father he was to my mom. My mom was adopted when she was a baby. Grandma & Grandpa were older and had always wanted children. I'm sure that when my mom, little Marsha, was brought into their family, that Grandma & Grandpa had every bit as much joy in their lives as I did the day I became a mother. They were able to adopt 2 more children - boys named Layne & Gary. I am very grateful to my Grandma & Grandpa for the way that they raised my mom. She is absolutely the nicest person that I know and I am blessed to have her as a mother. From what I know, they had a simple life. My Grandma was a school teacher and Grandpa was a long-haul truck driver. It makes me sad today to think that my mom lost both of her parents at such a young age...she was not much older than me when they both passed away. I will never take for granted the time that my children are able to spend with my mom & dad. They are wonderful grandparents, and do their best to make my children and all their grandchildren feel loved and important. I feel blessed to live only a few miles away from them. We see them often, almost weekly, and I am so glad that my children will have happy memories of their time with their Mum & Bepa. We should be seeing them sometime later today. I found a book this week that I am giving a copy to both Matt and my dad. It is called "What Are Little Boys Made Of?" It reads, Every great man was first a boy. What are little boys made of? Snakes & Snails & Crazy Tall Tales...and hopes and Dreams...And Strength & Courage...& Imagination & Daring...and Gifts & Talents...& Yearning & Learning...and Faith & Optimism...And Purpose & Meaning...& Warmth and Tenderness...& Adventure & Enthusiasm...& Caring & Understanding...& Honor & Integrity...And Family and Friendship...& Love and Loyalty...And Joy and Laughter...& Moments & Memories...& Success and Satisfaction...& All Things Possible. That's What Little Boys Are Made Of.

Happy Father's Day - Feliz dia de Padres! : June 19, 2011

At church today I had the primary kids make a simple craft for their Father's titled "FELIZ DIA DE PADRES" with an outline of their hand and their name in little foam letters. Because we were missing several teachers and leaders at church today, the Nursery kids were able to come into Primary. Lilly was so good! She listened to the lesson, participated and sang the songs and was very obedient.

This is the letter that I wrote to Matt for Father's Day.

Sunday, June 19, 2011
Dear Matt,
It is 3:13am on the morning of Father’s Day and I am just finishing up baking bread for the sacrament, getting the Nursery “Singing Time” activities complete, finished making a “Father’s Day Craft” for the Primary kids, just booked flights and Rental car for the Lyman Family Reunion, and a few other household things…in between all of this I realized that I forgot to buy you a Father’s Day card, so instead, you are getting this letter. I
t has been nearly 8 years that we have been married and almost 3 years that you have been a father. I couldn’t have hoped for a more amazing man to have spent my life with, and to be the father of my children. You are incredible, you are sweet, you are thoughtful, you are gentle, you are funny, you are sincere, you are compassionate towards others, you are handsome and charming, and I am so in love with you.  I love to watch the way you are with Lilly and Grayson and the joy that you find in being their daddy. They know that you love them, and it is so comforting for me as a mother to see the confidence that they have in knowing that they are truly loved by their dad. The example you are to them will have such a huge impact on their lives and will influence the way that they treat those around them. Thank you for the amazing example you are to them. Thank you for the way that you serve others. While it is sometimes a challenge to be alone with the kids while you are so busy with your calling as Branch President, I know that what you are doing is serving our Heavenly Father, and that our lives are truly blessed because of the sacrifices that you are making. Thank you for the 
selfless person that you are Matt. Happy Father’s Day to the greatest Father in the world! I love you!

Love - the proud Mother of your children,

Sunday, May 1, 2011

THE GARRISONS - May 1, 2011

Today was a special day. Lilly, Grayson and I were able to attend the blessing of Charlotte Garrison. She is a beautiful baby, and the blessing that her dad gave to her was so precious. Most of the Garrison family was there. Katie, Travis and Val all bore their testimonies. While I was sitting there listening, I felt the spirit so strongly that I needed to share my testimony. I shared that I feel that there are certain families in our lives that we are "pre-destined" to share our lives with, and that the Garrison's are one of those families to our Cornia family. My relationship with the Garrison's began while I was in High School. At the time, Val was the Vice-Principal of Sam Barlow High School, and there were many days when he would follow me to class to make sure I wasn't skipping or doing things that I shouldn't be. He was a source of comfort to my parents at that stage in my life, telling them that while I was making poor choices at the time, that they shouldn't worry too much about me because the day will come that I will get my life back on the right path. Matt's relationship with Travis began while they were serving their missions together in Tampico, Mexico. They shared many special times, and while they never served as companions, they always did their best to coordinate their schedules for baptism interviews and meetings so that they could talk and spend time together. Matt told me tonight that Travis is the kind of guy that you can crack jokes with and be goofy, and in the same conversation, discuss deep spiritual topics. They stayed in communication after their missions and Travis is the reason that Matt moved here to the Portland area. Just weeks after Matt moved here, Travis introduced us to each other in the Mt. Hood Singles Ward. Katie and I had been friends for several years there at the ward, and little did we know that we would be marrying best friends. Travis and Katie have been great friends to us over the last nearly 8 years of our marriage. We don't see them as often as we should, but every time we get together, it is always like we just pick up right where we left off. A true friendship. We love them and are so very blessed to have them in our lives. Katie and I were both pregnant with Lilly and Maddox at the same time, and then we were also pregnant with Grayson and Charlotte at the same time. She is a sweet friend to me. They are a special to our lives and always will be. Our relationship with the Garrison family has continued to develop with our service in the Evergreen Spanish Branch, where Matt is currently serving as the branch president. Cody and his wife Rode have been in the branch for many years. Cody is such a support to Matt in his calling and he knows that he can ALWAYS rely on Cody to do what needs to be done. Their relationship has become a great friendship as well. This is an amazing family. Val and Lynda have done a great job as parents and have raised their children well. We are blessed to have them in our lives and look forward to our future enjoying their friendship.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hello Charlotte! - March 7, 2011

One of our most favorite families in the whole world are the Garrison's. Matt and Travis served their missions together in Mexico. Travis introduced Matt to me when he moved here to Oregon. Katie and I have been friends since we first started going to the singles ward. They are the type of friends where you always just pick right up where you left off. We love them and they have a sweet family. We got to go meet the newest member of the Garrison family tonight - Charlotte. She is absolutely beautiful! Grayson already has a crush on her! 

Grayson's 4 Month Doctor Visit - March 6, 2011

Grayson went to his 4 month check-up and weighed in at 17 lbs 10 oz, and is 26 inches long. He is a BIG boy!  We have still been struggling with getting him to take a bottle, and Dr. Sequira recommended that we go ahead and start him on oatmeal mixed with breast milk. Today was his first try and he LOVED eating! Why am I not surprised! haha! Fat & Happy! Lilly was a good girl while we were at the doctors office and got to eat her lunch while we were waiting. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Day at the Cousins - March 3, 2011

Lilly & Grayson got to play at Makelle's house today with their cousins, Savannah, Ruby & Baby Mae. Makelle has some "Dollar Tree" glasses that she got for her kids to play with. Lilly thought they were SO great! She had them on and said, "These glasses help me to see better." Too cute! Oh...and she got to wear a pair of Ruby's jammies home that said "Snow Bunny" on them, and she thought that was AWESOME! She put them on and said, "Oh, thank you Ruby! Makelle, where did you get these cute pajamas!?!" She is so funny!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day - February 14, 2011

I know that there are a lot of people who think that Valentine's Day is a lame holiday, but I love it. Aside from the "commercialism" of it, I think that it is great that a day has been set aside to celebrate relationships. This holiday is especially important to me because 8 years ago, it was the day that Matt chose to propose to me. I picked Matt up from his office at Wells Fargo bank downtown, and he had planned a picnic dinner ( outdoor picnic in the middle of February in Oregon...brrrr) on the top of Rocky Butte, complete with candles. On the side of the mountain, he proposed to me and asked me to be his wife. I have been happy every day since that I said yes. He is an amazing husband and my love for him has grown even stronger watching the way that he loves our children. He is an incredible father. Last night for Valentine's, he made reservations for us to go to dinner at Gracie's - an elegant restaurant located in the lobby of the Hotel de Luxe in downtown Portland. It was perfect! Lilly & Grayson went with us too. Lilly wore her pink tutu, and crazy hot pink feathers in her hair. She loved how "fancy" the restaurant was. She ordered their specialty "Mac Cheese" and when she tried it, found out it was "too spicy." She told the waiter, and asked for a PB & J sandwich instead. Daddy gave her a musical card that sings "YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE" and she kept pushing the button on it the entire drive home. In the morning, I knocked on Lilly's bedroom door, and waited outside the door with her Valentine present wrapped in HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY paper. She opened it up and as soon as she realized what it was, she made the cutest little excited noise, and said, "A Pillow Pet...I love it!" It was a ladybug Pillow Pet, and she named it Lulu. It was a GREAT day!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Back to Work - February 7, 2011

My announcement for returning to work after being off work for a 3 month maternity leave with Lilly & Grayson.

CHURCH CLOTHES - February 13, 2011

I always love getting Lilly ready for church on Sunday's and dressing her in cute clothes. I had to take a picture of her today in her darling little outfit. Grayson looks really cute too! I love my kids! At church today, Hermana Vazquez brought Lilly in to find me in the primary room, and Lilly said to me, "Mommy, I'm done with nursery."

Sock Hop! February 12, 2011

Mum & Bepa's ward had a Valentine's Day "SOCK HOP" party. We ate chili dogs and root beer floats. Makelle made matching poodle skirts for Savannah, Ruby & Lilly to wear. They looked soooo cute! The girls danced the night away to 50's music, and then they all went CRAZY when the song "All the Single Ladies" by Beyonce came on! They were the hit of the party! Thanks Mum & Bepa for such a fun night!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dear Lilly & Grayson - February 6, 2011

On the day that Lilly was born, I began a new tradition, and I am pleased to say that it is actually a tradition that I have been very consistent with. It was something that was suggested to me by my mother in law with the gift that she gave me for my baby shower. The gift was a simple package of stationary, and on the first page reads the following message,

"From the first tentative tinglings of new life, to the tearful heart tugs of dream-chasing departures, children change our lives. This collection of pages is designed for writing letters to your child as you journey together through learning, love and laughter. Milestones or millstones provide opportunities to share your thoughts and feelings. It is suggested that you keep these pages in this binder as a gift to be given at a later time - for example, on their 18th birthday, their wedding day, or the birth of their first child. Remember...Memories are fragile things, that often fade away. So, if you would preserve the past , write it down today."

On the day Lilly was born, I wrote the first card to her, telling her about the feelings and emotions I was experiencing on the day that I became a mother. A day I will never forget became a day that she will get a glimpse of through the words I wrote to her that day. I took the time to record those memories so that she can read it over and over again. I have continued this tradition for Lilly on many occasions; Christmas, Thanksgiving, her 1st and 2nd birthdays, the day she was blessed, Valentines Day, and many other days, and she now has quite a collection of cards that will continue to grow throughout the years of her life.

I began the same collection for Grayson, and while his only now contains a few including a letter on the day he was born, the day he was blessed, his first Christmas, and now this letter I am writing to him and Lilly today - his stack of letters will also continue to grow over his lifetime. I feel that it is a special way for me to record milestones of the lives of my children so that someday, when they are grown, and when I am old, they can reflect on a lifetime of memories through the eyes of their mother. Most importantly, my hope is that it will be a way that they can feel the sincere and unconditional love that I have for them. I have found so much joy in motherhood. It has been a life changing experience for me. The last 3 months, while I have been home on maternity leave, I have been so blessed to spend every day with Lilly & Grayson. The time I have spent with them has been priceless. The memories we have created, I will cherish forever. The joy of seeing my little girl learn to accept and love her little brother even though her entire world was just turned upside down by him being born. The happiness I felt the first day that Grayson smiled at me. The shriek of excitement from him while he was discovering his voice for the first time. The fun of bath time, and Lilly "helping" me to wash Grayson's hair. The cold winter walks in the neighborhood, with Lilly and Grayson bundled up "snug as a bug" so that I could get a little exercise. Making "Minnie Mouse" pancakes for Lilly...which she would have eaten EVERY day if I would have let her. Being able to go to storytime at the library with Lilly and Grayson and seeing Lilly dance at the Toddler Dance Party. Making forts in the living room and hearing Lilly say, "Nobody's gonna know where we are..." Singing and rocking Grayson to sleep and seeing him literally growing before my eyes. Hearing Lilly say to me tonight as I put her to bed, "Hold me like a baby," and then a few minutes later, "No....hold me like a big girl." She is becoming a big girl, and in a few short years, Grayson will be a big boy. How fast time goes by in this thing that we call life. I remember when I was in the Singles Ward, when I was about 21, Bishop Jensen shared a perception of eternity with me that I will never forget. He shared that, all of the air in the room we are in is representative of the pre-existence, before we came to life here on earth, and all of the air outside of this room, in the entire universe, represents our eternal life. The tip of a pin represents the time that we spend in our life here on earth, but what we do with that time will determine our joy and where we will spend the rest of our eternity. I feel so blessed with the wonderful life that Heavenly Father has given to me, and I feel so blessed that He has trusted me to raise these beautiful children during their lives here on earth. I have been blessed with an incredible husband who loves me and I love him. He is an amazing daddy to our children, and my love for him has grown beyond belief by watching him and the joy he finds in being a father. There is a line in my patriarchal blessing that says, "....I bless you that you will be prayerful and calm in your heart so that the spirit may direct you as you consider and wait and determine who that person is to be who can go to the temple with you to be sealed together for time and all eternity. Your purpose in doing that is to raise up a posterity to the Lord..." I was led to that man, and am so blessed to be able to spend an eternity with him.

Tomorrow I will return to my job at work, and while tonight is the last night of my maternity "job" as a mother will never end. It is the most important calling I have in this life. For now, I have many responsibilities that call me to return, and I feel confident in this decision, because I know that the Lord requires us to: "Behold that which I have seen: it is good and comely for one to eat and to drink, and to enjoy the good of all his labour that he taketh under the sun all the days of his life, which God giveth him: for it is his portion. Every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth, and hath given him power to eat thereof, and to take his portion and to rejoice in his labour; this is the gift of God." (Ecclesiastes 5:18-19) I do find joy in my labour, and while my emotions tug at my heart as I return to work tomorrow, I know that the my career is a gift from God that brings joy and reward to our family and will teach my children the importance of a good work ethic. As everyday I see the stress that so many face in the current economy that we are experiencing as a nation, I feel truly blessed that God has provided our family with the means to enjoy a life of temporal and spiritual abundance. I know that He has blessed us so that we can in turn bless others. I feel so fortunate also for the influences of family that Heavenly Father has placed in my life. I am blessed with parents who love each other and who love their children and who have taught me the gospel and the important things in life. I am blessed with siblings who I consider to be my best friends in the whole world. I have been blessed with in-laws who are as sweet as sweet can be and have raised Matt to be an incredible man, father and leader. The family I have married into is amazing, and has led me to a relationship that I value so much with my sister in law, Kelli that I will eternally be grateful for. She is who we are able to trust to help us provide the care and nurturing for Lilly and Grayson at this time in their lives, and words can not express the gratitude I have for the last 2 years and 5 months that she has lived with us. I count her and the influence she has on our family among the most important blessings in my life. I love her and while I know that she will not be with us forever, I cherish the memories we share, the friendship we have built and the childhood joys that she is helping to create for my children. Sometimes I wonder who Lilly thinks that her "Kelli" is. I think that in her little 2 year old mind, that everyone has a "Kelli" of their own. She is an amazing person and will someday be an incredible mother to children of her own.

And so, as I type these words with tears rolling down my face, I will tuck this letter into a card for each of my children that reads "Don't cry because it's over, Smile because it happened." Today is a day, similar to the day my children were born, that will now be remembered because I chose to "preserve the past" and "write it down today."

Lilly & Grayson, your mommy loves you!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Neighborhood Walks - January 31, 2011

The best way to get exercise while I have been on maternity leave has been to load up Lilly & Grayson in the stroller and take them on a walk through our neighborhood. Kelli and I have taken them on walks over the last few weeks together, and it has been sunny, but sooooo freezing, so we bundle them both up "snug as a bug" with blankets. I put sunglasses on both of them the other day, and Lilly said to Grayson, "HI HOLLYWOOD!" Another fun way for Lilly to get exercise is to ride her tricycle up and down the street....actually on this day, it was more exercise for Kelli than it was Lilly because she did most of the pushing.

Potty Training - January 31, 2011

Lilly really didn't have many issues with potty training. She learned really fast, didn't have too many accidents, and is really good about letting us know when she needs to go. She will announce, "Mommy, I need to go potty," and then we run to the bathroom together. She is learning about germs right now and thinks that if she doesn't touch the toilet while she goes that she won't have to wash her hands...I still make her wash. When Daddy takes her to the bathroom, the have their own special "game" that they play, called "I was wondering." Daddy asks her things to help her think, and a few weeks ago, Lilly said to Daddy, "I was wondering, if I had 2 strawberries, 2 blueberries and 2 mandarin oranges, which would be the mostest?" Matt said, "Mandarin oranges" and Lilly said, "Yes, that's correct." The other day, I was lucky enough to catch the hilarious look she has on her face when she goes "poops." Sorry Lilly, but I HAD to get this look on film!